Monday, September 28, 2015

End of Term 3 Assembly

Big Congratulations to Tori and India who were awarded certificates for their achievements in Term 3. They were very brave and stood on the stage with other children, as the whole school watched and celebrated their success with them. 

Fire Safety on PhotoPeach

In a Dark Dark Wood

We loved reading our big book of the week. Our favourite part of the story was the ending where 
"in that dark dark box there was a GHOST"
We used recycled materials to make a ghost that sprung out of a box.

Cricket Skills Lesson

J4 had a cricket session that focused on the fundamental skills of cricket and were even lucky enough to each get a bag full of goodies. The children's favourite gift were a pair of sunglasses, which some children continued to bring to school to wear. 

Well who can blame them - they do look pretty COOL...

Term 3 School Disco!!! on PhotoPeach

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We're Going on a Bear Hunt on PhotoPeach J4 had a fantastic time exploring this big book by: - making puppets of each character - making a hand puppet of the bear and learning how Michael Rosen described the bear - exploring the different settings and making them using collage - retelling the story using puppets and settings and...Going on a very own Bear Hunt!

Independent Learning

Reading Activities on PhotoPeach